Haptic Feedback for Motor Learning


Haptic Feedback for Motor Learning

Much like how a tennis or golf coach can grasp your arm and haptically show you how to swing your arms to execute a shot, haptic systems can be programmed to do the same. We investigate how humans learn from haptic feedback and design methods to intelligently deliver this instruction through robotic systems.

Primary Researcher: Zonghe Chua

Published Works

Y. A. Oquendo, M. M. Coad, S. M. Wren, T. S. Lendvay, I. Nisky, A. M. Jarc, A. M. Okamura, and Z. Chua, “Haptic Guidance and Haptic Error Amplification in a Virtual Surgical Robotic Training Environment,” IEEE Transaction on Haptics, 2024.

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