
Haptic Error Amplification Paper Published

Dr. Chua and his co-authors publish results on using haptic learning via error amplification.

Our paper [1] on using haptic error amplification to develop surgical skill in a virtual reality training environment was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions of Haptics. In this study, we compared different haptic learning paradigms, guidance and error amplification, during surgical skills training. We found that the benefit of training with guidance or error amplification depended on the user’s initial ability level. People with high initial ability benefited the least from guidance. Training with error amplification caused less accurate people to slow down. Overall the effect is that for people with low speed-accuracy (i.e. they must trade off speed to gain accuracy), haptic training in either condition proves beneficial.


Journal Articles

  1. Y. A. Oquendo, M. M. Coad, S. M. Wren, T. S. Lendvay, I. Nisky, A. M. Jarc, A. M. Okamura, and Z. Chua, “Haptic Guidance and Haptic Error Amplification in a Virtual Surgical Robotic Training Environment,” IEEE Transaction on Haptics, 2024.

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